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Airplane Mechanic is a disguise available in Hitman. It can be found in The Final Test prologue mission.


There are only 3 Airplane Mechanic NPCs in the entire map.

Two of the NPCs starts at the front of the compound near the western entrance. You need to walk close to them in order for them to start their conversation which will also give you the Mission Story called Safety First. Once they have stopped talking, they will walk into the building through the north western entrance and into the hangar to work on the fighter jet. If you do not trigger their conversation by walking near them, they will never enter the building and instead remain by the entrance. The third Airplane Mechanic can be found inside the building from the start. He is already in the hangar by the fighter jet and will be the only one there unless you trigger the other two to enter.

Once the two NPCs at the gate has moved into the hangar, one will head to the fighter jet and join the mechanic who is already there. The other one will head into the room south of the north western entrance to the building. He will stay there for the entire mission and nobody else will ever enter the room.

Related Challenges[]

Name Mission Type Description
Mechanical Solutions The Final Test Assassination Assassinate Jasper Knight in an accident while disguised as a Mechanic.
Flying Colors The Final Test Assassination Assassinate Jasper Knight in an ejector seat accident.
Nobody Notices a Grease Monkey The Final Test Discovery Disguise yourself as a Mechanic.
Safety First/Mission Story - Safety First The Final Test Feats Disguise yourself as an Airplane Mechanic and prepare the jet for an instruction in safety protocols.
Chameleon The Final Test Feats Equip all disguises in the ICA Facility.
Mission Stories - ICA Facility The Final Test Feats Complete all 4 Mission Story challenges in the ICA Facility.
The Snorrason Ascension The Snorrason Ascension Feats Complete all levels in this Escalation contract.

Obtaining the disguise[]

On the lowest level in the most north eastern room there is an Airplane Mechanic's disguise spawn on the ground. There are two Airfield Security guards talking inside the room.

The easiest way to get the disguise after heading in through the building's north western entrance is to subdue the Airplane Mechanic in the room south of where you enter. There are two Airfield Security guards talking in the entrance room but they will not hear or notice when you subdue the mechanic. There is also a container in the very same room where you can hide his body. Keep in mind that you need to have triggered the conversation between the two mechanic's infront of the building or there won't be a mechanic here.

Spawn location[]


HITMAN Outfits
ICA Facility Airfield Security - Airplane Mechanic - Bodyguard - KGB Officer - Mechanic - Soviet Soldier - Tactical Turtleneck - Terry Norfolk - Yacht Crew - Yacht Security
Paris, France Auction Staff - Chef - CICADA Bodyguard - Helmut Kruger - Palace Staff - Santa 47 - Security Guard - Sheikh - Stylist - Tech Crew - Tuxedo - Vampire Magician
Sapienza, Italy Biolab Security - Bodyguard - Bohemian - Brother Akram - Butler - Church Staff - Craig Black - Cyclist - Delivery Man - Gardener - Green Plumber - Hazmat Suit - Housekeeper - Italian Suit - Kitchen Assistant - Lab Technician - Mansion Chef - Mansion Security - Mansion Staff - Movie Crew - Oscar Lafayette - Photographer - Plague Doctor - Priest - Private Detective - Red Plumber - Roberto Vargas - Salvatore Bravuomo - Security - SFX Crew - Stage Crew - Store Clerk - Street Performer - Super Fan - Waiter
Marrakesh, Morocco Bodyguard - Cameraman - Consulate Intern - Consulate Janitor - Consulate Security - Elite Soldier - Food Vendor - Fortune Teller - Handyman - Headmaster - Local Printing Crew - Masseur - Military Officer - Military Soldier - Prisoner - Raven Suit - Shopkeeper - Summer Suit - Waiter
Bangkok, Thailand Abel de Silva - Casual Suit - Cult Bodyguard - Cult Initiate - Exterminator - Groundskeeper - Hotel Security - Hotel Staff - Jordan Cross' Bodyguard - Kitchen Staff - Military Officer - Military Soldier - Militia Soldier - Morgan's Bodyguard - Recording Crew - Stalker - Waiter
Coloardo, United States Explosives Specialist - Hacker - Militia Cook - Militia Elite - Militia Soldier - Militia Spec Ops - Militia Technician - Point Man - Scarecrow - Tactical Gear
Hokkaido, Japan Baseball Player - Bio Suit - Bodyguard - Chef - Chief Surgeon - Doctor - Handyman - Head Researcher - Helicopter Pilot - Hospital Director - Morgue Doctor - Motorcyclist - Ninja - Patient - Recon Gear - Resort Security - Resort Staff - Surgeon - VIP Patient - VIP Patient (Dexter) - VIP Patient (Portman) - Yoga Instructor
Cut Outfits Bodyguard Leader - Cameraman - Contractor - Ezra Berg - Gardener - Jasper Knight's Bodyguard - Mime - Supervisor - Undercover Cop