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Berlin Egg Hunt is a unique Escalation Contract styled as a permanent seasonal event and independent mission, initially available from the start of HITMAN™ III's "Season of Greed" on March 30th to April 12th, 2021, then extended to coincide with the end of the Season of Greed on May 10th. It was re-released permanently on April 7th, 2022.

Agent 47 finds himself once again in the forested outskirts of Berlin, chasing a man in a white suit and white rabbit mask to eventually return to Club Hölle during its annual egg hunt. While there, he must eliminate various "rabbits", with the help of strange and poisonous easter eggs scattered around the area...


Level 1[]

Objective Icon Objective
Follow the White Rabbit
Follow the White Rabbit
Follow the White Rabbit. Do not eliminate or pacify him.
Egg Hunt Disguise yourself as the Yellow Rabbit Objective
Disguise yourself as the Yellow Rabbit*
Disguise yourself as the Yellow Rabbit.
Egg Hunt Pink Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Pink Rabbit
Eliminate the Pink Rabbit.
Icon-Complication Complication
Restricted Loadout Complication
Restricted Loadout
Start with restricted loadout.

* Revealed by approaching the Yellow Rabbit.

† Revealed by following the White Rabbit.


The following information may contain spoilers.

You begin the mission at the south entrance to the forest, with a barricade lowered behind you and with no items in your inventory apart from a camera. You'll quickly discover a strange (and frankly annoying) man taunting you to follow him. However, while the rabbit goes on to the Radio Tower, then, due to its teleportation abilities, returns off it, you don't actually have to follow him, and can instead continue heading straight towards the club, taking a left past the Radio Tower to circumvent a fallen tree blocking the path. The path up ahead is blocked as well, albeit only by two guards that are talking about having escorted somebody (presumably you) off the premises. As they are both enforcers, the only way to avoid detection is by picking up the blue easter egg on the floor behind them and throwing it at their feet. The gas that is burst from the egg once it breaks acts as a sedative poison that will knock both of the guards out, without their bodies potentially being spotted voiding Silent Assassin. Take their guns and a Club Security disguise off one of them, then continue following the White Rabbit down the forest path. Once you get close enough to a man wearing a yellow rabbit mask, a new objective appears to take his disguise. This is easily achieved, as he is busy looking at a rabbit statue, so sneak up behind him, pacify him and take his suit. However, you are under no obligation to keep it, so you can put the Club Security disguise back on and be on your way.

Taking a right at the end of the path, you finally emerge at the entrance to the club. A guard posted nearby won't let you through if you aren't wearing the Yellow Rabbit Suit or the Club Security disguise, so make sure you're wearing either of them. He will frisk you before you proceed, so leave any guns you may have picked up in the forest if you are wearing a suit, or simply carry on if you are wearing the security disguise. Alternatively, there is another blue easter egg in front of him that you can knock him out with without negative repercussions, or you can simply hug the fence on the other side of the barrier and you can walk past him without any problems. The White Rabbit will then run further to the north, past two guards blocking the entrance to a staff area, and since the entire interior of the club is completely inaccessible, you will need to go that way to get to the rabbit, or circle around the entire exterior of the club. If you are wearing a Club Security disguise, again you will have no issues getting in. Otherwise, you can lure one of the guards into an isolated area by turning a generator near them off, then knocking him out and taking his disguise, or you can vault a wall to their left to sneak in, or use yet another blue easter egg on the floor conveniently in front of the guards to pacify them and optionally take their disguise.

Moving forward from this spot will cause the White Rabbit to finally vanish, and another objective to appear in his stead: eliminate the Pink Rabbit, A.K.A "Icelandic Party Guy" Pálmar Ágúst Gíslason. There are a few options to eliminate him, but the easiest by far is picking up the red easter egg on the girder by Gíslason and throwing it at his feet to produce a lethally poisonous cloud that will kill the Pink Rabbit, while still preserving your Silent Assassin rating.

There are ways of achieving an accident kill in a more organic fashion, however. While he normally remains on the spot dancing by an egg rainbow light ornament, if you turn its generator off behind the large girder, the rabbit will move towards two other egg displays to the north. You can cause a scooter to explode when he walks past it on his way to the two other eggs by creating an oil puddle using a wrench found behind the Chill Out bar and/or you will need to shoot it either with a Bartoli 75R non-silenced pistol found on guards twice, or use the ICA19 F/A Stealth "Ducky" Edition found in an egg next to the two guards monitoring the entrance to the staff area. Be careful, as a member of staff nearby will be looking towards the generator once it's turned off. Alternatively, you can puncture the gasoline drum by one of the eggs that he goes to once you turn the generator off with a rusty screwdriver found in an egg behind some nearby stone walls, then shoot the puddle when he stands in it, or throw a car battery found by the Yellow Rabbit into the puddle. Finally, you can drop the large concrete cylinder suspended near the area Pálmar wanders around in after you turn the generator off. There are two ways to drop it: one is to acquire a fuse cell from the egg near the north road leading out of the club, then inserting it into the fusebox by the crane to power it on, climbing the ladder to the control panel, and moving the cylinder over Pálmar, before releasing it on him (a way to make him stand still is to turn off the generator powering the two glowing eggs, found near the two seated guards). Alternatively, you can simply throw an object directly under the cylinder to lure the Pink Rabbit over to the right spot, then shoot the cord suspending it to drop it immediately. Finally, while not neccesarily an accident kill, you can use a green easter egg found on the path to Pálmar to emetically poison him, making him go to the bushes by the crane to vomit, where you can easily kill him without detection.

Once the mission is complete, exfiltrate via the bike near the frisking guard.

Level 2[]

Objective Icon Objective
Egg Hunt Pink Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Pink Rabbit
Eliminate the Pink Rabbit.
Egg Hunt Blue Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Blue Rabbit
Eliminate the Blue Rabbit.
Egg Hunt Red Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Red Rabbit
Eliminate the Red Rabbit.
Icon-Complication Complication
Restricted Loadout Complication
Restricted Loadout
Start with restricted loadout.
No Disguise Change Complication
No Disguise Change
Keep the outfit you were wearing on mission start, or you will fail the mission.


The following information may contain spoilers.

You begin this and the following level at the back of the line at the club's entrance, already disguised in the Yellow Rabbit Suit, with no items apart from your camera. On top of eliminating the Pink Rabbit, you must also eliminate the other Icelandic party triplets: the Blue Rabbit, A.K.A Halldór Einar Gíslason, and the Red Rabbit, A.K.A Gunnlaugur Davíđ Gíslason.

The Pink Rabbit is exactly the same as in the last level, except he automatically starts going between the two glowing eggs without you turning the first egg's generator off, so be careful not to be spotted by any nearby staff and guards trespassing in that area in your suit, and the rest is already mentioned in the last level. The Blue Rabbit is by the Juice Bar, constantly having cups of juice, then dancing under a disco ball hanging from a tree nearby. The Red Rabbit is the trickiest, as he is dancing around by the Water Channels to the south of the Chill Out area, which is considered trespassing in your suit and has staff and guards present that may spot you.

The simplest way of dealing with every target across all three levels is throwing a red easter egg at their feet and lethally poisoning them. There are only 6, but that will be enough for every level. They are located:

1: On the red girder by the Pink Rabbit.

2: In an egg in a corner of the Delivery Area to the west of the Juice Bar.

3: In an area behind a locked container on the south end of the Chill Out area, accessible by vaulting a container near the west bridge over the canal.

4: Behind the Chill Out bar and outside the Staff Trailer.

5: Outside the Chill Out Staff Trailer, behind the three-eyed pig silo.

6: On some containers in the staff area south of the Chill Out area, north of the Water Canals.

If you want to eliminate the targets in a more creative manner, there are only a few intended options. The Blue Rabbit can be emetically poisoned with a green easter egg and drowned in a portaloo, or you can shoot the cord suspending a disco ball that he stands under with a gun, preferably with the silenced ICA19 F/A Stealth "Ducky" Edition, from cover to prevent being spotted. Despite constantly having cups of juice, you cannot poison Halldór with them, as you are not allowed to change your disguise in order to serve a poisoned drink to him.

In order to reach the Red Rabbit, you can either go past the car park near the main entrance, or you can go behind the three-eyed pig silo and climb down over the canal and go around the wall. You can also poison the guards blocking the staff doors. An easy way to do this is to use a blue easter egg on the guard near to the locked entrance to the Wardrobe, in order to distract another guard by the bar and thus allow you to run past him before he becomes suspicious and go through the doors to the back staff area. The main elimination opportunity for Gunnlaugur is pushing him into the channel. The main issue to look out for is the male crew member that walks back and forth near the channel as well, but he often looks away, and there are several spots you can push Gunnlaugur directly from. Failing that, you can use a green easter egg to make the Red Rabbit vomit into the channel from behind a container, where no-one will spot you kicking him into the water, causing an accident kill and hiding the body at the same time.

Level 3[]

Objective Icon Objective
Egg Hunt Pink Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Pink Rabbit
Eliminate the Pink Rabbit.
Egg Hunt Blue Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Blue Rabbit
Eliminate the Blue Rabbit.
Egg Hunt Red Rabbit Objective
Eliminate the Red Rabbit
Eliminate the Red Rabbit.
White Rabbit
Eliminate the White Rabbit*
Eliminate the White Rabbit.
Icon-Complication Complication
Restricted Loadout Complication
Restricted Loadout
Start with restricted loadout.
No Disguise Change Complication
No Disguise Change
Keep the outfit you were wearing on mission start, or you will fail the mission.
Egg Hunt The Rabbits Have Moved Complication
The Rabbits Have Moved
The Party is ever changing and the Rabbits have moved on.


The following information may contain spoilers.

The level begins with the same objectives as the previous one but, as the new complication mentions, the Rabbits have moved on. All three are now in and around the Chill Out area to the south of the bridges over the canal. While, again, you can eliminate all three using a combination of red eggs to kill them directly, or green eggs to make them go to isolated spots to drown them or kill them discretely, there are other options.

The Pink Rabbit stands near to the canal at one point, so you can lure him close to it, then throw an egg at his head to make him fall over and hopefully fall into the canal, but this is tricky to do without being spotted, and the ragdoll is unpredictable, so it's not an easy option. Alternatively, you can electrocute Pálmar with a puddle he walks over and a wire socket placed in the middle of it. Grab a rusty screwdriver from the Staff Trailer behind the Chill Out bar, then use it to tamper with the socket. You can then get Pálmar to stand still in the puddle by turning off the generator that powers the egg displays he dances by, which is by the pig silo. Once he's standing in the puddle, turn the electrical outlet on using the switch attached to a wall just north of the bar. Be careful, as the rusty screwdriver will break once it is used, so you can't repair the outlet afterwards and prevent potentially eliminating non-targets by accident.

Apart from deploying the red or green easter eggs, there aren't that many options for the Blue Rabbit, as he mainly wanders very open, public parts of the Chill Out area. While he does go to a secluded spot behind a container, there is nowhere to hide his body or create an accident kill there. You must therefore get rid of a guard standing at the end of a container next to this spot that will most likely see you killing Halldór through a wall. In order to do that, you should lure him into the Staff Trailer behind him and hide his body in a freezer, but knock out and hide a sleeping bartender in the trailer before that. With both people indisposed, go to the spot Halldór isolates himself in and wait for him to turn up. Don't kill him where he's standing, as his body will be noticed by the public. You should instead throw something into the corner to lure him over; make sure you throw it as far away from the nearby guard as possible, to make Halldór investigate the noise instead of the guard. As you are extremely close to people at this spot, kill Halldór as quietly as possible, using a melee item and, if needed, snapping his neck once he's unconscious.

Finally, the Red Rabbit can be eliminated in a couple of ways besides poisoning. You can drop a bag of bricks on him when he stands in front of the locked doors that would lead to the inside of the club. To reach the bag, you can climb a grey containerby the two guards talking about the crane where the Pink Rabbit used to be and follow that path up to the roof, or you can use the red container by the guard leaning on the Staff Trailer that you need to pacify if you want to eliminate the Blue Rabbit in the secluded spot, or you can use the cube in the isolated area the Blue Rabbit goes to to scale the wall, or you can climb a pipe in the top-left corner of the channel, which you can reach by shimmying along the ledge in front of the female crew member smoking on a bridge. Be careful when doing this, as you may accidentally crush a bystander as well. You can also lure him into the locked green container he stands next to by getting to the other side by scaling a container near the puddle you can electrocute the Pink Rabbit in and eliminate him there, as well as hide his body in a bin.

Once the three Rabbits are eliminated, your final objective appears: the White Rabbit re-materialises into the Chill Out area, and 47 decides enough is enough and must eliminate him. However, he will not make it easy, as he will swiftly run away and start teleporting again. He will go to the Water Channels, hiding behind a pillar. Once you get close, he will then run away and teleport into the woods just beyond. The Water Channels and woods have now been populated by some of the targets from the standard mission, the ICA Agents, still in their dsguises and wielding advanced ICA weaponry. Slip past them all, or make use of blue and green easter eggs to avoid being detected, and the White Rabbit will run through a concrete cylinder and seat himself in his hideout, where you can eliminate him in any way you wish, including an old axe that's placed there, for some reason, or a battle axe that's buried just outside the other side of the cylinder, although you will need a shovel found near the bike exit to dig it up. Once the fourth and final rabbit is eliminated, you can exfiltrate the mission.

There is another way of dealing with all 4 targets from a distance. Return to the top of the Radio Tower and you will found a Druzhina 34 ICA sniper rifle, with 3 special types of ammo, including 4 wall-piercing rounds. These bullets, normally found exclusively in the Sniper Assassin game mode, allow you to shoot through anything and still hit whoever you are aiming at, so by using instinct to see the targets highlighted in red, you can kill all 4 rabbits from one spot, then return to the bike and exfiltrate. This won't get you a Silent Assassin rating, but it is extremely convenient, as well as fun to play with, especially the shockwave ammo that explodes upon impact with anything.


Type Key: A="Assassination"; F="Feats"

Name Type Description Rewards
Duck Hunt*
Duck Hunt
The white rabbit has hidden an ICA19 F/A Stealth "Ducky" Edition somewhere in Berlin. Find it and use it to eliminate him.
The Yellow Rabbit Suit
  • +4000XP
Oocyanin Hunt
Oocyanin Hunt
Pacify a target with the Blue Egg.
Blue Easter Egg
  • +4000XP
Berlin Egg Hunt
Berlin Egg Hunt
Complete all levels in this Escalation Contract.
The Raver
  • +4000XP

* Added in Patch 3.110.

† Added in Patch 3.180.



  • Berlin Egg Hunt is the only Escalation Contract in the World of Assassination that does not use the article "the" in its contract name.
  • Once 47 eliminates the White Rabbit, he says "People talk too much." This line is recycled from the bonus mission Landslide, when 47 has a meeting with his target Marco Abiatti while disguised as the lawyer Salvatore Bravuomo.
  • Shooting the glowing eyes off any of the rabbit statues found around the map will cause it to make a low-pitched and sinister Bugs Bunny-style laugh.
  • The guard at the entrance won't let you get past him in levels 2 and 3 due to the Yellow Rabbit Suit you wear during those levels being different from the Yellow Rabbit disguise worn by the Yellow Rabbit at the same time. While they count as two different suits, they are visually identical.
  • This is the only Escalation Contract that was available temporarily for all owners of HITMAN™ III, not including Escalations such as The Dartmoor Garden Show that are available for a limited time in the Free Starter Pack.
  • The entirety of the interior of the club and the warehouse are off-limits. However, the club is decorated with unique Easter-themed artwork and decorations that are normally unseen without getting out of bounds, meaning that the mission was potentially originally going to contain the entirety of Club Hölle, but was cut back at some point in development.
  • According to some guests dialogue, the Ragnarok Disciples have left Club Hölle, meaning this Escalation (regardless of canon) occurs after the events of Apex Predator.
  • The Druzhina 34 ICA, a sniper rifle normally available exclusively in the Sniper Assassin game mode, is found at the top of the Radio Tower in level 3, containing all 3 ammo types found in the game mode. This may be a reference to a bug present in the game from launch that was patched out with the release of the Berlin Egg Hunt, where the unlockable version of the Druzhina 34 ICA Arctic had all three ammo types mistakenly available, including wall-piercing, which you could use in every mission you could smuggle a sniper rifle into, which was extremely handy for speedrunners.
  • This is the only mission outside of Freelancer to feature any of the rubber duck themed weapons, specifically the ICA19 F/A Stealth "Ducky" Edition.
Escalation Contracts
ICA Facility (Freeform Training) The Einarsson Inception
ICA Facility (The Final Test) The Snorrason Ascension
Paris The Adamoli Fascination - The Adrian Eclipse - The Corky Commotion - The Ezekiel Paradox - The Gemini Fiasco - The Granville Curiosity - The Hexagon Protocol - The Holmwood Disturbance - The Kerner Disquiet - The Kotti Paradigm - The Mandelbulb Requiem - The Marsden Isotopy - The Osterman Mosaic - The Perkins Disarray - The Seeger Beguilement - The Shapiro Omen - The Teague Temptation - The Videl Cataclysm - The Wetzel Determination
Sapienza The Andersen Animosity - The Apeiron Sadness - The Eccleston Illumination - The Gladwyn Simulacrum - The Hamartia Compulsion - The Lyndon Gyration - The Scarlatti Covenant - The Scorpio Directive - The Selmone Mimesis - The Sigma Illusion - The Szilassi Darkness - The Zunino Disintegration
Sapienza (The Icon) The Agana Abyss
Sapienza (Landslide) The Spaggiari Subversion
Marrakesh The Bahadur Dexterity - The Ignatiev Integrity - The Kilie Agitation - The Lupei Sensitivity - The Raskoph Satisfaction - The Reziko Conundrum - The Sokoloff Sophistication - The Varvara Mystification
Marrakesh (A House Built on Sand) The Ataro Caliginosity - The Cheveyo Calibration
Bangkok The Arthin Occultation - The Asya Attunement - The Caden Composition - The Somsak Equation
Colorado The Farley Crescendo - The Mallory Misfortune - The Otaktay Obliteration
Hokkaido The Dexter Discordance - The Meiko Incarnation - The Susumu Obsession - The Yuuma Tenacity
Hawke's Bay The Mills Reverie
Miami The Aquatic Retribution - The BigMooney Flamboyancy - The Riviera Restoration - The Simmons Concussion - The Sweeney Scrupulousness - The Treasonous Mimicry - The Unpalatable Termination
Santa Fortuna The Calvino Cacophony - The Delgado Larceny - The MacMillan Surreptition - The Merle Revelation - The Montague Audacity - The Truman Contravention - The Turms Infatuation
Mumbai The Chameleon Anonymity - The Divine Descendance - The Dubious Cohabitation - The Han Encasement - The Hirani Evacuation - The Raaz Algorithm
Whittleton Creek The Batty Tranquility - The Covert Dispersal - The McCallister Ransack - The Nolan Disinfection - The O'Leary Conflagration
Isle of Sgàil The Aelwin Augment - The Babayeva Dissonance - The Marinello Motivation - The Quimby Quandary - The Rafael Misadventure - The Scarlett Deceit
New York The Dalton Dissection
Haven Island The Bartholomew Hornswoggle
Dubai The Asmodeus Waltz - The Greed Enumeration - The Phoenix Ascension - The Sebastian Principle - The Sinbad Stringent
Dartmoor The Baskerville Barney - The Dartmoor Garden Show - The Percival Passage - The Sloth Depletion - The Wrath Termination
Berlin Berlin Egg Hunt - The Halliwell Fable - The Lesley Celebration - The Lust Assignation - The Satu Mare Delirium
Chongqing The Gluttony Gobble - The Jinzhen Incident - The Lee Hong Derivation - The Pride Profusion
Mendoza The Envy Contention - The Gauchito Antiquity - The Pasquel Consortium
Carpathian Mountains The Proloff Parable