Hitman Wiki
Hitman Wiki
Disambig This article is about the character featured in the unused Elusive Target, The Author. For the Patient Zero target, see Craig Black.

Icon-Elusive Target

Craig Black (also known as "The Author") is an unused Elusive Target in HITMAN™. He would have appeared in the mission Landslide.


Craig Black is the renowned yet reluctant author credited with the enormously successful Cassandra Snow Young Adult novels. He leapt into the public eye with the first book Cassandra Snow: New England Wiccan three years ago after a number of widely ignored noir science-fiction novels. Since then the so-called “Snow-verse” novels have dominated his career, overshadowing any attempt to branch out into other genres."

Regardless, the renowned Cassandra Snow has become a beloved icon, spawning a spin-off TV series (Shadow and Snow) and two movie trilogies (with inevitable controversy over the casting of the titular character), so regardless of how much the author may detest the character, his misery seems set to continue.
― Target Intel


