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End of an Era is the fourth mission of HITMAN™ III.

With the ICA, under orders from The Constant, relentlessly hunting Agent 47 and Olivia Hall, 47 decides they need to be dealt with once and for all by exposing their existence to the world. In order to do so, he must infiltrate the ICA's hidden Data Facility in Chongqing, China and help Olivia upload the client files in its data core to a non-profit information website. However, due to its biometric authentication system, Olivia can only bypass its security protocols once the two overseers of the facility are eliminated; Hush, cyberterrorist and Olivia's old mentor, and Imogen Royce, the ICA's top behavioral analyst.


Eliminate Hush
Eliminate Imogen Royce


Hack Data Core (only available after eliminating both targets, optional unless you use Train Station / Director Commentary - Mission Introduction starting locations)


Locate the exit

Path of Least Resistance[]

Agent 47 looks on as Olivia Hall studies her laptop.

Agent 47: "Look closer."

Hall: "I'm telling you, the file is trash. The Constant doesn't so much burn his bridges as blow them up. Arthur Edwards, whoever he was, don't exist anymore. His personal data somehow deletes itself from any system that records him. Way beyond advanced. The Partners spared no expense to make sure their controller would be untraceable."

Agent 47: "How untraceable?"

Hall: "Look, I did what you asked. But Grey's gone and I'm no Diana. I'm not who you need right now."

An alert on the computer grabs her attention--there's been a breach.

Hall: "You gotta be kidding me!"

Agent 47: "ICA?"

Hall: "I used every encryption known to man. Who are these guys?"

Agent 47: "The best. It's only a matter of time before they get lucky. We need to take them down."

Hall: "You and which army?"

Agent 47: "I know where the agency stores its files. Mission reports. Client data. If we leak it to the public..."

Hall: "You wanna whistleblow the ICA?"

Agent 47: "It's the path of least resistance. Turns out you are who I need right now, Olivia."

Hall: "I do this, and I'm out."

Hall gets to work on her laptop as 47 observes.

Hall: "So, what are we breaking in to?"

Agent 47: "Data facility in Chongqing, China. Run by a man called "Hush."

Hall: "Of course."

Olivia cracks a smile.

Olivia (VO): "The ICA site in Chongqing houses the agency's data storage and analyst division. Needless to say, security is daunting. The state-of-the-art server vault is biometrically wired to the facility's two overseers; Imogen Royce, behavioral analysis pioneer, and Hush, a data security guru with a taste for fringe transhuman experimentation."

Agent 47 (VO): "Tell me about Hush."

Hall (VO): "A former cyberterrorist for the Ministry of State Security in Khandanyang who fled his country after one of the Po regime's periodic purges. He made a career doing cybersecurity for dark web deplorables. Human traffickers. Organ harvesters. Scum like him, with no code or conscience. ICA sure can pick them. No offense."

Agent 47 (VO): "Can you disable security?"

Hall (VO): "A dual authentication protocol ensures that any handling of data must be directly authorized by Hush and Royce--the proverbial human factor devised to make the system impenetrable. Luckily, I found a loophole. If both overseers should unexpectedly die within a short space of time, the system reverts to a temporary failsafe protocol, which I can bypass. Take them off the board, and you'll have free access to the data core. And I'll handle the rest."

Agent 47: "And you're sure it'll work."

Olivia Hall: "Look, I know Hush. If I'm wrong, we won't live long enough to regret it."

Agent 47: "All right. I will...leave you to prepare."
― Mission Briefing


See His One Weakness cinematic.
{{{Outro Cont}}}
― Outro


After escaping from Berlin, Agent 47 and Olivia Hall resume their search for Arthur Edwards. They soon discover that Edwards has gone to extensive lengths to destroy any information about him. To add to their difficulties, the ICA are growing closer as they search for the two. 47 decides that the best way to get the ICA off of their backs is to shut down the agency for good, and to do that, they will need to leak the ICA's confidential client files.

The ICA keeps its confidential files in a secret data facility in Chongqing, China. The data core holding the files is further protected by a biometric lock linked to the site's two overseers: Imogen Royce, the ICA's top behavioral analyst, and Hush, a former cyberterrorist and data security expert. Luckily, Olivia discovers a loophole in the core's security. If both Royce and Hush are confirmed dead within a short time period, the system activates a failsafe, which Olivia can override.

47 must infiltrate the streets of Chongqing, eliminate both targets, and access the data core.

Mission Stories[]

All-Seeing Eyes

All-Seeing Eyes Tile
One down, several to go.

So, one of Imogen Royce's drones is down. If you find it and scan it, maybe I can get something useful out of its chip.

Certainty Principle

Certainty Principle Tile
Discover the inner working of the ICA facility.

So, someone is here for a tour of the facility. Might be a way to get in.

Impulse Control

Impulse Control Tile
Change Your Future - Join the Experiment

That's got Hush written all over it. Using the desperate for personal gain. Maybe this is a way for you to get to the bastard.


Impulse Control[]

  • A Confused Man
The following information may contain spoilers.

A frightened homeless man is talking about strange machine voices screaming in his head.

  • Cancelled Test
The following information may contain spoilers.

Sister Lei has been pushing for Hush to go further than advisable in his testing but his personal assistant has convinced him it is too dangerous. If testing is to proceed on a higher intensity, that assistant might need to be taken care of somehow.

  • Easy Money
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Homeless people in the neighborhood are being offered money for participating in some sort of experiment or test. Provided they look the part, all they have to do is find the location and sign up.

  • Future Progress Initiative
The following information may contain spoilers.

Feeling left out in the cold? Not sure you're needed in the world anymore? Well, think again! Join us in shaping the future of humanity. We are proud to invite you to contribute to a once-in-a-lifetime initiative. To give you purpose and a great reward. Locate our facility by finding the icon on this pamphlet. The future's around the corner - just like us.

  • Personality Disorder
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It seems that a lot of homeless people have started acting very erratically after entering a particular apartment block in the area. What might be causing that sort of trauma?

  • Recruitment Done
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Hush has apparently found the perfect test subjects for his experiments and recruitment is done for the day.

  • Voluntary Lockup
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Apparently, Hush's new test subject got spooked by the look of the experiment and has locked himself in the bathroom. The experiment won't continue until he comes out of there somehow.

Certainty Principle[]

  • P41 Form
The following information may contain spoilers.

A security form for the ICA filled out by someone named Angus Pritchard.

  • Premonitions
The following information may contain spoilers.

Imogen Royce has developed a sophisticated prediction algorithm. She's built a demonstration system, which predicts the reactions of facility employees who get fired. This might be worth looking into.

  • Profile: Alicia Reynolds
The following information may contain spoilers.

Facility Safety Engineer. Bright and very passionate employee. Prediction: If fired, there is a 98,3% chance that she will try to disable the safety mechanism in the core room.

  • Profile: Jeremy Bolt
The following information may contain spoilers.

Facility Guard. Privately a real mommy’s boy. Prediction: If fired, there is a 99,4% chance that he will leave his post at the core room door to call his mother and then go look for his friend.

  • Profile: Sharon Reed
The following information may contain spoilers.

Core Maintenance Engineer. Dutiful and trusted employee. Prediction: If fired there is a 97,8% chance that she will finish her most critical task before leaving the facility. She will press the core maintenance button within 11 seconds.

  • Rental Car
The following information may contain spoilers.

A car rented in the name of Angus Pritchard.

  • Royce's Research Notes
The following information may contain spoilers.

Notes on Royce's tablet about the employees she's currently studying. "Jeremy Bolt: Make sure to arrange a secondary bodyguard before firing." "Alicia Reynolds: Only fire if Jeremy Bolt is at his post." "Sharon Reed: Under no circumstance can the safety mechanism be off when she is fired!"

  • The Final Ingredient
The following information may contain spoilers.

Mr. Pritchard is reluctant to commence with his inspection of the ICA facility before having a bite to eat. His food might require a final touch.

  • True to Form
The following information may contain spoilers.

Mr. Angus Pritchard, the visiting ICA board member, forgot a form in his apartment across the street from the restaurant. He needs to bring this to the facility guide before she can take him on the tour.

  • Unsafe at the Core
The following information may contain spoilers.

The managers of the facility have installed a safety mechanism in the core, which works as a fail-safe for the core cleansing procedure. It's there to make sure no one is inside the core as the cleansing starts.

All-Seeing Eyes[]

  • A Shady Operation
The following information may contain spoilers.

Imogen Royce is using illegal surveillance drones in the streets. It's likely that she doesn't take kindly to people interferring with her equipment.

  • Just a Phone Call Away
  • Lost, Not Found
The following information may contain spoilers.

Guard patrols are clearly searching for something on the roof of the laundry. What could they be looking for?

  • Pointing Fingers
The following information may contain spoilers.

Tension is high between Hush and Imogen Royce, who is quick to suspect Hush of meddling with her equipment in an effort to sabotage her project. It would be interesting to see how a confrontation between the two might play out.

Break Room[]

  • Angry Memo
The following information may contain spoilers.

A memo from one of the ICA analysts reads: "Whoever is messing with the RFID chip system to cause my computer to send me on breaks - STOP! While you may think it's just an amusing little prank, I can't risk Royce seeing me on breaks all the time. She'll fire me like she did Ted. Please stop."

  • In Need of a Break
The following information may contain spoilers.

As is good practice at any workplace, the ICA analysts rely on a bespoke system installed on their work terminals to inform them when it is time for a break. This smells exploitable.

  • Ventilation System
The following information may contain spoilers.

A ventilation system connecting to the employee break room is being used to meddle with employee stress levels. For fear of causing a serious accident, employees don't interfere with the system.

Employee Infilitration[]

  • A Security Slip
The following information may contain spoilers.

One of the restaurant chefs seems to have lost a note with an access code on it. But what kind of a restaurant requires a code for the employees to get to work?

  • Front and Center
The following information may contain spoilers.

There's an unusual number of chefs entering the restaurant kitchen in the middle of the night. Might be something worth investigating...

  • Gathering Data
The following information may contain spoilers.

The ICA Facility has top level security. Because of the highly stressful nature of the job, employees are put through mandatory checkups on a regular basis. Additionally, they are being monitored for elevated stress levels and other risk factors while in the workplace.

  • Thorough Vetting
The following information may contain spoilers.

Employees at the ICA Data Facility are required to go through a scanning procedure, which measures their stress levels (and other factors) before they are allowed to work.

The Satellite Dish[]

  • The Satellite Dish
The following information may contain spoilers.

Hush is very protective of his equipment. So much so that, when his rooftop satellite dish was damaged a while back, he saw to the repairs personally.

Keys & Keycards[]

  • Apartment Key
The following information may contain spoilers.

A key that grants access to an apartment somewhere nearby.

  • Arcade Key
The following information may contain spoilers.

A key to the arcade in the streets.

  • Tier 1 Access Dongle
The following information may contain spoilers.

A dongle containing a tier 1 encryption key for the facility.

  • Tier 2 Access Dongle
The following information may contain spoilers.

A dongle containing a tier 2 encryption key for the facility.

  • Tier 3 Access Dongle
The following information may contain spoilers.

A dongle containing a tier 3 encryption key for the facility.


  • Missing Fuse
The following information may contain spoilers.

Hush is trying to use his Sensory Calibration Unit but there's a fuse missing and it won't work without one. The man looks like he needs a rest so maybe help him out?

  • Sensory Calibration Unit
The following information may contain spoilers.

Hush is suffering from a sensory processing disorder and his manic work effort has made his condition flare. He needs to destress in his special Sensory Calibration Unit.

  • Sensory Calibration Unit Manual
The following information may contain spoilers.

A manual detailing how to activate the Sensory Calibration Unit for Hush's therapy session.


There are 57 challenges in total: 15 "Assassination", 18 "Discovery", 16 "Feats", 2 "Targets", 5 "The Classics" & 1 "Codename 47", worth 127000XP.

Type Key: A="Assassination"; D="Discovery"; F="Feats"; T="Targets"; TC="The Classics"; C47="Codename 47"
Name Type Description Rewards
Stick It to the Man
Stick It to the Man
Eliminate Hush whilst disguised as a Homeless Person.
Venting Some Stress
Venting Some Stress
Eliminate Imogen Royce by poisoning the ventilation system.
Eliminate Hush when he is using his deprivation chamber. +4000XP
Overload Hush's brain. +4000XP
Big Bada Boom
Big Bada Boom
Eliminate Hush and Imogen Royce in one explosion. +4000XP
A Shock to the System
A Shock to the System
Eliminate Imogen Royce by electrocution. +2000XP
Cooling Down
Cooling Down
Eliminate Imogen Royce by drowning her in the core's coolant. +4000XP
Bullet Points
Bullet Points
Eliminate Hush and Imogen Royce with a single bullet from a sniper rifle. +4000XP
Medium Rare
Medium Rare
Eliminate Imogen Royce by having an employee start the core cleansing. +4000XP
Hold My Hair
Drown H3
Assassinate a target by drowning them in Chongqing. +2000XP
Versatile Assassin
Versatile H3
Complete all the Versatile challenges in Chongqing:
  • Piano Man
  • Someone Could Hurt Themselves
  • Hold My Hair
  • Straight Shot
  • Tasteless, Traceless
Tasteless, Traceless
Tasteless H3
Assassinate a target with lethal poison in Chongqing. +2000XP
Straight Shot
Headshot H3
Assassinate a target with a headshot in Chongqing. +2000XP
Piano Man
Piano Man H3
Assassinate a target with the fiber wire in Chongqing. +2000XP
Someone Could Hurt Themselves
Accident H3
Assassinate a target in an accident in Chongqing. +2000XP
Shortcut: Inner Courtyard
Shortcut - Inner Courtyard
Unlock the door shortcut to the inner courtyard. +1000XP
Training Hard
Training Hard
Escape Chongqing via the train station. +1000XP
The Beat
The Beat
Disguise yourself as a Street Guard. +1000XP
Block Buster
Block Buster
Disguise yourself as a Block Guard. +1000XP
Shortcut: Facility Elevator Shaft
Shortcut - Facility Elevator Shaft
Unlock the door shortcut to the facility elevator shaft. +1000XP
Quite a Hatch
Quite a Hatch
Unlock the secret hatch. +1000XP
Climbing the Corporate Ladder
Climbing the Corporate Ladder
Disguise yourself as Mr. Pritchard. +2000XP
Scoot Over
Scoot Over
Escape Chongqing via the scooter. +1000XP
Super Special Door
Super Special Door
Escape Chongqing via the facility emergency exit. +2000XP
The Downtrodden
The Downtrodden
Disguise yourself as a Homeless Person. +1000XP
Last Resort
Last Resort
Obtain three Block flyers. +1000XP
Apartment Safe House
Apartment Safe House
Escape Chongqing via the apartment safe house. +1000XP
Shortcut: The Block Ladder
Shortcut - The Block Ladder
Unlock the ladder shortcut to the Block. +1000XP
Dumplings Cook
Dumplings Cook
Disguise yourself as a Dumpling Cook. +1000XP
Down the Rabbit Hole
Down the Rabbit Hole
Escape Chongqing via a manhole. +1000XP
Hack the Planet
Hack the Planet Challenge
Obtain all tiers of the hacking access dongles. +2000XP
Discover Chongqing
Discover Chongqing
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Chongqing. +2000XP
Chameleon H3
Find and equip all disguises in Chongqing. +4000XP
Human Error
Human Error
Disable the safety mechanism of the core chamber +2000XP
Ease of Pain
Ease of Pain
Relieve the test subject from the pain. +2000XP
Lei Me to Sleep
Lei Me to Sleep
Pacify Sister Lei with a cowboy bust. +1000XP
A Hair in My Soup
A Hair in My Soup
Poison Mr. Pritchard's soup with emetic poison.
Mission Story - All-Seeing Eyes
All-Seeing Eyes Tile
Complete the Mission Story "All-Seeing Eyes". +2000XP
Think! Tank!
Think! Tank!
Pacify a Researcher with a toy tank. +1000XP
Going Postal
Going Postal
Give Xiao Ming his special delivery. +1000XP
Killing the Past
Killing the Past
Delete the files on 47 and DIana Burnwood from the ICA data core. +2000XP
What a Glorious Feeling...
What a Glorious Feeling...
Pacify the dancing guard with an umbrella. +1000XP
Mission Story - Impulse Control
Impulse Control Tile
Complete the Mission Story "Impulse Control". +2000XP
Big Sister
Big Sister
Destroy five surveillance drones. +4000XP
...I'm Happy Again
Pacify the dancing guard... again. +2000XP
Make Hush turn on the antenna. +1000XP
Mission Story - Certainty Principle
Certainty Principle Tile
Complete the Mission Story "Certainty Principle". +2000XP
The Show Must Go On
The Show Must Go On
Make Hush reset the test pods. +2000XP
Pacify five guards in the Block with a hammer. +2000XP
Eliminate Hush
Hush Still
Eliminate Hush. +4000XP
Eliminate Imogen Royce
Imogen Still
Eliminate Imogen Royce. +4000XP
Silent Assassin
  • Complete "End of an Era".
  • Only eliminate the targets.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
Sniper Assassin
Sniper Assassin Tile H3
  • Complete "End of an Era".
  • Assassinate your targets with a sniper rifle.
  • Only eliminate the targets.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
Suit Only
  • Assassinate the targets and complete the mission.
  • Do it all in your suit.
Silent Assassin, Suit Only
SASO 2021
  • Complete "End of an Era".
  • Only eliminate the targets.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence.
  • Do it all in your suit.
The Classics
The Classics H3
Complete all the Classic challenges for "End of an Era":
  • Silent Assassin
  • Silent Assassin, Suit Only
  • Sniper Assassin
  • Suit Only
The Red Dragon*
The Red Dragon WoA
  • Eliminate any target in Chongqing, China with a headshot using a sniper rifle.
  • The shot must be taken from the neon sign vantage point.

*Added in Patch 3.170.


Mastery Level Type Unlock Description
1 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Train Station
Chongqing SL1
47 has arrived in Chongqing by way of train and now stands at the Yuzhong train station.
Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Director Commentary - Mission Introduction
Chongqing Commentary
Game Director Mattias Engström sets the scene as 47 arrives in Chongqing by way of train and now stands at the Yuzhong train station (WOA Deluxe Edition, WOA Deluxe Pack or Hitman 3 Deluxe Pack only).
2 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
Facility Server Supply Room
Chongqing SI1
Olivia Hall has placed a small item in the facility server supply room near the arcade.
Electronic Key Hacker Mk III
Electronic Key Hacker Mk III
An electronic key hacker that is inserted into a keycard reader to bypass the lock. Can only be used once. It has the signature Mk III look.
3 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
Restaurant Back Stairwell
Chongqing SI2
Olivia Hall has sneakily placed a small item on the back stairwell of the restaurant.
4 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
River-side Walkway
Chongqing SL2
47 has arrived in Chongqing and is relaxing on a walkway overlooking the river.
5 Poison
ICA Pen Syringe Emetic
ICA Pen Syringe Emetic Inventory
A syringe hidden as a pen. Containing a single dose of an emetic poison.
6 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Chongqing SI3
Olivia Hall has tucked away a briefcase in a corridor inside "The Block".
7 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Restaurant Kitchen
Chongqing SL3
47 has infiltrated a restaurant serving as a front for the ICA data facility and is dressed as a Dumpling Cook.
ICA Proximity Concussion Device Mk III
ICA Proximity Concussion Device Mk III
An ICA proximity concussion device Mk III.
8 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Facility Maintenance Tunnel
Chongqing SI4
Olivia Hall has placed a briefcase in the facility maintenance tunnels on the roof of "The Block".
9 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Facility Rooftop
Chongqing SL4
47 has infiltrated the rooftop premises of the ICA data facility and is cleverly disguised as a Street Guard.
10 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
Facility Rooftop
Chongqing SI5
Olivia Hall has discreetly placed a small item on the roof of the facility.
ICA Tactical Shotgun
ICA Tactical Shotgun
A modern ICA tactical shotgun. Agile and effective at close ranges. Has a fast fire rate and tight spread.
11 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Chongqing SI6
Olivia Hall has hidden a briefcase containing a large item in the arcade.
12 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Side Alley
Chongqing SI7
Olivia Hall has managed to place a briefcase in a hidden spot in one of the small side alleys in Chongqing.
13 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
The Block
Chongqing SL5
47 has managed to infiltrate "The Block" and is currently blending in as a Block Guard.
14 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
Facility Ventilation Room
Chongqing SI8
Olivia Hall has bribed an employee into placing a small item in the facility ventilation room.
15 SMG
ICA SMG Raptor Covert
ICA SMG Raptor Covert
A Covert variant of ICA SMG Raptor. A modern SMG. Rapid firing with good magazine capacity. Comes with a suppressor.
16 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Chongqing SL6
47 has arrived in Chongqing and is standing on a balcony overlooking the neon-lit streets at nighttime.
17 Hidden Stash
Icon-Smuggled Item
The Laundry
Chongqing SI9
Olivia Hall has managed to place a small item in a laundry room.
18 Agency Pickup
Icon-Smuggled Item
Chongqing SI10
Olivia Hall has stashed a briefcase containing a large item in an apartment.
19 Starting Location
Icon-Start Location
Facility Locker Room
Chongqing SL7
47 has slipped into the ICA Data Facility and has just finished donning his disguise as an Analyst.
20 Suit
Neon City Suit with Gloves
A highly stylish, yet very practical, blue raincoat, with a popped collar for extra protection and flair, over black pants accompanied by a light shirt, a red tie, and some practical gloves.
Sniper Rifle
Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert
Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert
The ICA's latest model of the Leviathan is a modern marksman's rifle. Silenced and deadly.



Bartoli 75R
Bartoli 75R HITMAN2021
Bartoli 75S
Bartoli 75S HITMAN2021
Hackl 9S
Hackl HITMAN2021
Hackl 9S Covert
Hackl 9S Covert HITMAN2021
HX-7 Covert
HX-7 Covert
ICA SMG Raptor
ICA Raptor
ICA SMG Raptor Covert
ICA SMG Raptor Covert
Fusil X2000 Stealth
Fusil X2000 2021
Tactical Bartoli 12G
Tactical Bartoli 12G HITMAN2021
Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert
Hackl Leviathan Sniper Rifle Covert
Banana HITMAN2021
Blueberry Muffin
Blueberry Muffin HITMAN2021
Brick HITMAN2021
Car Battery
Car Battery HITMAN2021
Cigar Box
Cigar Box HITMAN2021
Cleaver HITMAN2021
Cowboy Bust
Cowboy Bust HITMAN2021
Crowbar HITMAN2021
Driftwood Log
Driftwood Log HITMAN2021
Fire Axe
Fire Axe HITMAN2021
Frying Pan
Frying Pan HITMAN2021
Garden Fork
Garden Fork
Hammer HITMAN2021
Hobby Knife
Hobby Knife HITMAN2021
Iron HITMAN2021
Kitchen Knife
Kitchen Knife HITMAN2021
Lead Pipe
Lead Pipe HITMAN2021
Letter Opener
Letter Opener HITMAN2021
Mannequin Arm
Mannequin Arm HITMAN2021
Meaty Bone
Meaty Bone HITMAN2021
Newspaper HITMAN2021
Package HITMAN2021
Scissors HITMAN2021
Scrap Sword
Scrap Sword
Screwdriver HITMAN2021
Soda Can
DrPopp Soda
Stethoscope HITMAN2021
Tanto (2021)
Toy Tank
Toy Tank HITMAN2021
Whiskey Bottle
Chongqing Vodka Bottle
Wrench HITMAN2021
Explosives Containers
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher HITMAN2021
Flash Grenade
Flash Grenade HITMAN2021
Propane Flask
Propane Flask HITMAN2021
Remote Explosive
Car Bomb HITMAN2021
ICA Executive Briefcase
ICA Executive Briefcase HITMAN2021
Chloroform Flask
Chloroform Flask HITMAN2021
Emetic Rat Poison
Emetic Rat Poison
Lethal Poison Pill Jar
Lethal Poison Pill Jar HITMAN2021
Distractions Miscellaneous Items
Apple HITMAN2021
Apricot HITMAN2021
Fuse Cell
Fuse Cell


Mission Map[]

HITMAPS Wordmark

The full interactive map for this mission can be viewed via HITMAPS by clicking the image or clicking here.

Escalation Contracts[]

There are currently four escalation contracts available in Chongqing, three of which are only available by purchasing DLC:

* Only available in the World of Assassination Deluxe Edition, or sold seperately in the WOA Deluxe Pack or Hitman 3 Deluxe Pack.

† Only available in the World of Assassination Deluxe Edition, or sold seperately in the WOA Deluxe Pack, Seven Deadly Sins Collection or Seven Deadly Sins Act 2: Pride.

‡ Only available in the World of Assassination Deluxe Edition, or sold seperately in the WOA Deluxe Pack, Seven Deadly Sins Collection or Seven Deadly Sins Act 5: Gluttony.

Elusive Targets[]

This is a list of Elusive Targets that appeared in Chongqing, with reactivations occurring during HITMAN™ III.

Target Lockdown[]

If target lockdown is triggered, Hush will be escorted to his Therapy Room, in the corner of his Private Lab next to the bathroom, the top-floor kitchen or the Level 4 bathroom. For Imogen Royce, she will go to her Office, the Tier 1 Security Room or the Block's top-floor kitchen.


  • Ironically, China was the first country where 47 killed for the ICA in Hitman: Codename 47. It's also the place where 47 officially destroys the very same organization.
  • The in-game cutscene of Agent 47 hacking and wiping the ICA database features a few discrepancies.
  • Some of the ICA facility guards mention how they still frisk visitors despite the fact nothing has ever been smuggled into the facility before, likely referencing how HITMAN™ 2 removed the ability for 47 to be frisked while carrying illegal items.
  • The level is notable for the presence of numerous aerial drones monitoring the rooftop between the restaurant's back entrance and the laboratory. The drones, spherical in shape, are experimental devices being tested by mission target Imogen Royce. If the player is spotted by a drone it will not void Silent Assassin status unless it spots the player committing an illegal act, otherwise it will merely summon a street guard to check out the area. The drones can be destroyed by gunfire but not by thrown objects, and if all of them are destroyed two more will spawn and move to new positions. Destroying them as well will summon Imogen to the rooftop to investigate.
  • One of the quirks of this level is that civilian characters are capable of spawning umbrellas upon exiting a building. They occasionally neglect to de-spawn them when going inside, which can result in a large number of dropped, open umbrellas littering the street near the entrances to public buildings.
  • If you take the tour of the ICA facility, the guide mentions that the noodle shop makes a good front for operatives to secretly enter the facility as no one notices a cook showing up to work. A woman across the street tells her friend how weird it is that four cooks entered the noodle shop in the middle of the night.
  • On the background one can notice a real building - Grand Lisboa which is located in Macao. This implies that originally the mission was supposed to take place there.
  • In HITMAN III™ VR: RELOADED, some footage from the original game's briefing cutscene, most notably the target's information, was included.