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Hitman Wiki

"Mechanic Crushed By Car Lift! - "Heavy" Workload Results in Tragedy"
Hope News Times issue #4 article on Josh Wiggins.

Josh Wiggins is cut minor character in Hitman: Absolution. Originally he was slated to be an unseen minor character that died in issue #4 of the Hope News Times but was seen in the E3 2012 playthrough of the early mission "Shaving Lenny" in the first segment "Streets of Hope".


Josh Wiggins was a mechanic that worked at Bennet's Garage in Hope, South Dakota. A quiet man that took time in working on your car and such. He was married and had two young children as well.

The Hope News Times[]

In issue #4 of the Hope News Times article used to promote Hitman: Absolution, one of the main headlines promoted that Josh Wiggins was killed after he was crushed to death by a green 1968 Fauxdillac DeVille. It's indirectly slated that the body of Josh was found by colleague Stephen Allen and the report was given a statement by Sheriff Clive Skurky as well. Information on his funeral service was made as well.

E3 2012 Demo[]

Josh was present in the July 12, 2012 E3 demo for Hitman: Absolution. He can be seen having an unknown/unheard conversation with colleague Stephen Allen, which appears to have retconned his untimely death in issue #4 of the Hope News Times article. He and Stephen in the demo got to witness the death of Hope Cougar's gang member, Gavin LeBlond which was killed by the same green 1968 Fauxdillac DeVille that originally killed Josh himself[1].


In the final version of the game, Josh Wiggins is absent and it appears he was ultimately cut before release of Absolution. He was replaced by Hope County police officer, Michael Lott. This meant that the unused dialogue between Josh & Stephen was removed as well.


