The Private Investigator outfit is a disguise that appears in HITMAN™ III.
Worn by Phineas Whitmer, a P.I. from London hired by Alexa Christine Carlisle to investigate the death of her brother, Zachary, at her manor in Dartmoor, England. As part of the "Means, Motive and Opportunity" Mission Story, the disguise grants access to most of the manor except for the top floor and the small lawyer's office across from Zachary's bedroom, although he is granted access to the former upon concluding the mystery and being escorted upstairs to meet Carlisle. It also allows the player to converse with various characters about the circumstances surrounding Zachary's death. Since Phineas is not affiliated with the security force, the outfit does not count as a guard disguise and does not allow the player to be visibly armed.
Once sufficient mastery is achieved, the player may begin the level already wearing this disguise, in Zachary's room, having already begun the investigation. The only enforcer for this outfit is the real Phineas. If the player begins the mission wearing this disguise, Phineas will stay at his car outside the front gate.
The Private Investigator outfit appears in the following missions:
Related Challenges[]
Name | Mission | Type | Description |
Elementary, My Dear Diana | Death in the Family | Discovery | Disguise yourself as the Private Investigator. |
Chameleon | Death in the Family | Discovery | Find and equip all disguises in Thornbridge Manor. |
A Matter of Justice | Death in the Family | Feats | [REDACTED] |
Mission Story - Means, Motive, and Opportunity | Death in the Family | Feats | Complete the mission story "Means, Motive And Opportunity". |
A Matter of Guilt | Death in the Family | Feats | [REDACTED] |
A Matter of Loyalty | Death in the Family | Feats | [REDACTED] |