The Providence Commando outfit is a disguise that appears in HITMAN™ III.
Worn by a special unit of heavily armored soldiers aboard The Mortar working for Arthur Edwards and Providence. The uniform consists of a black plate carrier and shoulder guards worn over snow-themed camouflage and a helmet with a thick visor (presumably made of clear ballistic material). The helmet includes two small flashlights mounted on the sides which will illuminate areas in front of the wearer. A Providence insignia patch is located on the upper right chest.
The armor is functional, and Commandos require more shots to take down than normal guards and NPCs. It is thus one of the few disguises in the game that confers some armor protection to the wearer.
The Providence Commando outfit appears in the following missions:
- Dialogue among other characters indicates that this unit is the one that hunted down Lucas Grey. The soldiers in the cinematic where Grey is pursued are depicted with CICADA identification on their uniforms, suggesting that by the time Untouchable takes place Providence has completely subsumed CICADA into its organization.
- Despite offering protection against bullets, the armor is not resistant to sharp items such as knives or swords.
- This is similar to how real-world Kevlar armor works.