The Soviet Soldier is a disguise that can be found in HITMAN™.
Worn by the soldiers in The Final Test. The disguise grants access to the whole map except for the radio room. The uniform consists of khaki-colored tunic, khaki trousers tucked into boots, the wedge-shaped garrison cap, load-bearing suspenders supporting an equipment belt, and various pouches. The blue-white horizontally striped undershirt (known as a "telnyashka") was iconic of various Soviet armed forces, most notably army paratroopers and Marines, and continues to be used today.
Some other soldiers (enforcers) can recognize you while wearing the uniform. However, it is generally easy to bypass them.
Related Challenges[]
Name | Mission | Type | Description |
Sweeping Snow in Siberia | The Final Test | Assassination | Assassinate Jasper Knight with an assault rifle while disguised as a Soviet Soldier. |
Armed Insurrection | The Final Test | Discovery | Disguise yourself as a Soviet Soldier. |
Mission Story - To Fallen Comrades | The Final Test | Feats | Solve the chess puzzle. |
Mission Story - Safe Conduct | The Final Test | Feats | Intercept secret information and lure Jasper Knight with error prone equipment. |
Mission Stories - ICA Facility | The Final Test | Feats | Complete all 4 Mission Story challenges in the ICA Facility. |
The Snorrason Ascension | The Snorrason Ascension | Feats | Complete all levels in this Escalation contract. |
The Soviet Soldier outfit appears in the following missions:
- While the Airfield Security guards in the same map have almost all English sounding names, almost all Soviet Soldiers have Eastern European names.
- Not all Soviet Soldiers have Russian names. There are a couple of English sounding names in the group and for some reason, also a bunch of Polish names. Some of the Polish names even include letters in the Polish script in the game itself: these are Latin letters with diacritical marks such as "Ł" and "Ź". Poland was never officially part of the Soviet Union, although it was a satellite state that was under Soviet control and influence. As the USSR was a vast multi-ethnic state with many minorities, including Poles, it is conceivable that the characters represent ethnic Poles living in the USSR who are enlisted in the Soviet armed forces. Alternatively, considering that the entire mission is a simulation, it is possible that these are the names of Polish actors who are playing the role of Soviet troops at the behest of the ICA.
- Soviet Soldiers will sometimes recite the phrase "All power to the Soviets" to the player. This was an early Bolshevik slogan.
The outfit as seen in the tile for the Drowning His Sorrows challenge.
As seen in the tile for the Sweeping Snow in Siberia challenge.
As seen on the tile for the A Slide Mistake challenge.
As seen on the tile for the A Slide Show challenge.
As seen on the tile for the Armed Insurrection challenge.
As seen on the tile for the Mission Stories - ICA Facility challenge.