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The Tactical Turtleneck, also known as Training Gear in ICA Facility prologues and Recon Gear in Patient Zero, is a Suit introduced in HITMAN™. It is the default starting disguise for the ICA Facility prologues Guided Training, Freeform Training and The Final Test, as well as Patient Zero under the Recon moniker. It consists of a black turtleneck and cargo pants.


"A black turtleneck and pants, well-suited to both comfort and mobility."
― In-game Description



Disguise Allows people to blend into certain surroundings.


― In-game Description



Disguise Allows people to blend into certain surroundings.


― In-game Description



Disguise Allows people to blend into certain surroundings.





Classic 47's Signature Suit - 47's Signature Suit with Gloves - Absolution Suit - Agent 17's Signature Suit - Ashen Suit with Gloves - Blood Money Suit - Classic All-Black Suit - Crimson Red Suit - Phantom Suit - Premiere White Suit - Requiem Suit - Suburban Suit with Driving Gloves - Terminus - The Black Streak - The Blue Streak - The Green Streak - The Public Enemy Suit - The Purple Streak - The Sniper Challenge Suit - The Undying Look - Ultimate Black Suit - White Sunset
Formal Black & White Tuxedo Set with Gloves - Imperial Classic with Gloves - The Cashmerian - Tuxedo, Mask and Gloves - Tuxedo with Gloves
Coats Black Winter Suit - Classic Cut Long Coat Suit with Gloves - Neon City Suit with Gloves - Number Six with Gloves - Snow Festival Suit - The New Yorker with Gloves - Winter Suit
Casual Casual Suit with Gloves - Casual Tourist with Gloves - Casual Undercover - Florida Fit with Gloves - Italian Suit with Gloves - Midnight Black Suit - Smart Casual Suit - Summer Sightseeing Suit with Gloves - Summer Suave Suit - Summer Suit with Gloves - The Ephemeral Suit - The Ephemeral Suit with Eye Patch - The Lucky Ducky Suit - The Tropical Islander - The Tropical Suit
Tactical Freedom Phantom Suit - Guerilla Wetsuit - Raven Suit - Tactical Gear with Hunter's Hat - Tactical Turtleneck - Tactical Wetsuit - The Splitter Suit
Themed Blue Flamingo Suit - Clown Suit - Cowboy Suit - Futo Suit - Lynch Suit - Plague Doctor - Polar Survival Suit - Rave On Suit - Santa 47 - Subject 47 - Super Fan - The Arkian Tuxedo - The Big, Bad Wolf Suit - The Buccaneer - The Club Boom DJ Suit - The Codename 47 Suit - The Cozy Christmas Suit - The Disruptor Fur Coat - The Disruptor MMA Suit - The Greek Fire Suit - The Jack-O'-Lantern Suit - The Krampus Little Helper Suit - The Neon Ninja Suit - The Purple Streak Boxer Suit - The Raver - The Ruby Rude Track Suit - The Sandman Suit - The Splitter Boxer Suit - The Yellow Rabbit Suit - Trendy Tourist Suit - VIP Patient - White Yukata - Winter Sports Suit
Deluxe Formal Hunting Attire - Guru Suit - The Black Dragon - The Devil's Own - The Straightjacket - The White Shadow
Deadly Sins The Lotophage Suit - The Narcissus Suit - The Odium Suit - The Profligacy Suit - The Rapacious Suit - The Scarlet Suit - The Temper Suit
Freelancer The Ancestral Hunter Suit - The Black Bruiser Suit - The Gauze Suit - The Golden Contender Suit - The Graffiti Hoody Suit - The Master Freelancer Suit - The Scrap Poncho Suit
HITMAN Outfits
ICA Facility Airfield Security - Airplane Mechanic - Bodyguard - KGB Officer - Mechanic - Soviet Soldier - Tactical Turtleneck - Terry Norfolk - Yacht Crew - Yacht Security
Paris, France Auction Staff - Chef - CICADA Bodyguard - Helmut Kruger - Palace Staff - Santa 47 - Security Guard - Sheikh - Stylist - Tech Crew - Tuxedo - Vampire Magician
Sapienza, Italy Biolab Security - Bodyguard - Bohemian - Brother Akram - Butler - Church Staff - Craig Black - Cyclist - Delivery Man - Gardener - Green Plumber - Hazmat Suit - Housekeeper - Italian Suit - Kitchen Assistant - Lab Technician - Mansion Chef - Mansion Security - Mansion Staff - Movie Crew - Oscar Lafayette - Photographer - Plague Doctor - Priest - Private Detective - Red Plumber - Roberto Vargas - Salvatore Bravuomo - Security - SFX Crew - Stage Crew - Store Clerk - Street Performer - Super Fan - Waiter
Marrakesh, Morocco Bodyguard - Cameraman - Consulate Intern - Consulate Janitor - Consulate Security - Elite Soldier - Food Vendor - Fortune Teller - Handyman - Headmaster - Local Printing Crew - Masseur - Military Officer - Military Soldier - Prisoner - Raven Suit - Shopkeeper - Summer Suit - Waiter
Bangkok, Thailand Abel de Silva - Casual Suit - Cult Bodyguard - Cult Initiate - Exterminator - Groundskeeper - Hotel Security - Hotel Staff - Jordan Cross' Bodyguard - Kitchen Staff - Military Officer - Military Soldier - Militia Soldier - Morgan's Bodyguard - Recording Crew - Stalker - Waiter
Coloardo, United States Explosives Specialist - Hacker - Militia Cook - Militia Elite - Militia Soldier - Militia Spec Ops - Militia Technician - Point Man - Scarecrow - Tactical Gear
Hokkaido, Japan Baseball Player - Bio Suit - Bodyguard - Chef - Chief Surgeon - Doctor - Handyman - Head Researcher - Helicopter Pilot - Hospital Director - Morgue Doctor - Motorcyclist - Ninja - Patient - Recon Gear - Resort Security - Resort Staff - Surgeon - VIP Patient - VIP Patient (Dexter) - VIP Patient (Portman) - Yoga Instructor
Cut Outfits Bodyguard Leader - Cameraman - Contractor - Ezra Berg - Gardener - Jasper Knight's Bodyguard - Mime - Supervisor - Undercover Cop