- "Honey, wait for me at the special place. I will be there asap."
- ―Dialogue between the two lovers.
The Lovers (real names: Unknown) are two scrapped minor characters and the original revisions of both background characters: Nuhaid Raji Malouf & Lilly Goodwin from the leaked 2021 HITMAN™ alpha build as the two appear in the early, A House Built on Sand mission.

Dialogue between the lovers, as seen in the alpha build.
In front of the boarded up school housing a placeholder Chicago police officer from Hitman: Absolution scouting the premises of the school's courtyard, the two lovers can be found with the female lover sitting on the vacant swingset and the male lover standing in front of her. The male lover will tell the female lover that he had a surprise for her and told her if she remembered the place where the two first met.
The female lover will get confused and ask where the location was. The male lover will immediately inform her to wait at the "special place" as he'd be there shortly. This in turn causes the female lover to exclaim she adored surprises and asks him if the two should start heading to the "special place" with the male lover agreeing. During all of this, a wedding ring can be found on the ground near the male lover. Its placeholder model was that of the Absolution coin model. The two will then walk around the map however the male never does end up proposing to the female lover which leaves what the original revisional fate of the two to be unknown.
In the final game, the two were reduced to nothing more than meer background characters, The two were given names that being both Nuhaid Raji Malouf (Male) and Lilly Goodwin (Female). In 2016 the two can be found sitting idle in front of the school however only a few feet away from the swingset. No proposal can be found either as the two appear to be reworked into friends. Interestingly the only thing the player can do to have any unique interaction is that if the player temporarily turns off the radio, Lilly will get upset, scold the player and turn it back on. It's widely unknown why the two Lovers were dropped and heavily reworked into background characters.
- The player taking and equipping the wedding ring will not affect the alpha gameplay. It is possible this sequence was meant to be a sidequest where Agent 47 would be tasked in helping the male lover find the ring while also having the option to steal it or keep it, a sidequest later used for a minor character in HITMAN™ III during the elusive target mission, "The Drop".
- The dialogue between the lovers is very early, as its conveyed exclusively through text bubbles.
- The coin (wedding ring) has a text bubble ontop of it saying, "Im a ring".
- The "special place asap" dialogue is covered by another set of text dialogue.